2 users agree
9:06 AM, Thursday August 31st 2023

Hello! Today I'll be critiquing your submission. I congratulate you on completing the challenge, it took a lot of effort and patience to finish it. The Boxes in the submission were good, and it gradually became better later within the challenge. The Mark-making was overall decent, and the convergence was alright. Here are some pointers that I have to point out however:

Inner Corner:

  • This is commonly the problem within the challenge, and in this section, I'll be including and mention the convergence of your Boxes in this section. People tend to have this problem and can even effect the convergence of your Box. The set of lines from your box should be converging into a Vanishing point, and even if it is not accurate, you should strive for it. The reason that I'm mentioning this is because some of the extending lines or the convergence of the boxes are either diverging or converging in pairs.

  • Here are the Boxes that have these errors: 247, 184, and 52 (Blue Line Extensions) are converging in pairs, a proper example of this problem: https://imgur.com/KSHwTwo. Boxes: 248 and 181(Blue Line Extensions) are converging sharply, and boxes: 216, 164, and 103 (Blue Line Extensions), are diverging, a proper example of this problem are blue line extensions of this box: https://drawabox.com/lesson/250boxes/1/convergences.

  • To improve the inner corner, you should change the order of drawing box: https://imgur.com/a/DHlA3Jh. You also have to maintain this relationship between the lines in the set: https://imgur.com/8PqQLE0. It is mainly about the angle of the lines.

Overall, the submission was decent, and the boxes and its convergence improved later in the challenge. Just do some warm-ups before you draw and you'd be fine drawing some fine boxes. Add the Challenge to your warm-ups as well. I also have to mention about the line extensions, you should lengthen them long enough to where you could clearly see where the lines are converging. Other than that, great job. Onward to Lesson 2.

Next Steps:

  • Lesson 2
This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
5:09 PM, Monday September 4th 2023

Thank you so much for the critique I really appreciate it!

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