9:14 PM, Tuesday August 1st 2023
Thanks for the replay, have to say I found it quite motivating, but I still don't fully understand everything. I didn't explain myself very well when I described the process of copying from google, so I'll try to do it better now. The video I referred to is 20+ minutes long, but the specific part I was thinking about is around this time stump https://youtu.be/LWgXSxxEjgs?t=633. This is where Uncomfy shows how he copies several references of single images and only after that he does a drawing from imagination, combining them. This is what I was doing with the microphones and damp planks and other elements. He calls the process of copying the reference 'study' and talks about how he focuses on different elements when doing these. I assume that this is how he thinks everyone draws from reference and I did not think or analyze at all what I was drawing when going through that process myself. It was super fun and freeing, which is what I believe 50/50 is about, but nope, can't have fun that way, because it's a 'study' and this time is dedicated to not studying(?) I guess.
As you wrote 'My interpretation is if you google a microphone and pick an image and then render "that" microphone, then there is a problem.' I interpreted the instructions the same way and I simply do not understand WHY that is. Because I might accidentally think about getting better at drawing at that point and then it's not 'drawing for the sake of drawing', or something stupid like that? I don't get it and it's ok if you can't explain that either, but if you think you can, I'd love to hear it.
As far as ideas what to draw go, I've seen the prompts and didn't exactly think they're necessary for me yet, but if they'll help me to take multiple references and combine them together without doing these 'studies' first, then yeah, I will give them a shot.
Also, I'm a little surprised at what you said about your drawing getting worse as you were getting better with fundamentals. Do you mean that they seemed worse to you because the expectation increased, or that they actually got worse because you lost some abilities as well? Because if its the latter, that's fascinating and I'd love to hear more about it.