Lesson 3: Applying Construction to Plants
9:43 PM, Friday August 25th 2023
This lesson had a lot of ups and downs for me in terms of performance. I did all of the plant demos, but wanted the practice of creating 8 constructions on my own.
Helllo pizza! Here's the crit.
Good luck on lesson 4 and don't forget to ask any questions if you have them!
Next Steps:
Lesson 4
I apologize for taking so long to get to this. Thank you very much for the thorough critique. I have no questions and understand your explanation of cast shadows.
Marco Bucci's got a ton of great courses available on proko.com, including some of the best videos you can find on using colour and light. Since a lot of our students want to break into working with digital painting however, I thought this course in particular would be a great start to get into the weeds with how to navigate the confusing world of layers, brushes, and more.
This course highlights programs across the full spectrum of options, ranging from the current industry standard Adobe Photoshop, to the Free-and-Open-Source darling Krita, as well as the mobile favourite, Procreate.
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