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1:42 AM, Saturday September 10th 2022

Hi Goodmoring/Goodnight i would like to say Congratulations on finishing the Lesson 1.

1.Superimposed Lines

Your lines are confident enough, a little of them have wobbles and archs make sure be confident and use your shoulder. The archs it can be fixed by trying to arch consciously to the opposite direction. Great job not fraying on the start. Clean execution on this one.

Make sure have warms ups.

2.Ghosted Lines

Most of it are confident as I said earlier and also overshooting which is not bad, most of them hitting from start to end. A bit wobble because you hesitated just make sure focus on confident line rather on hitting the end dot.

3.Ghosted Planes

Same as ghosted line but you improved by hitting the start . Your line are not wobbles as last time great Job on that

4.Tables of Ellipses

You drew your ellipses confidently. A bit deformed at times, but that will get better with more practice over time.

You have great accuracy on ellipse geeat Job.

5.Ellipses in Planes

Same as tables of ellipeses.


Great work being confident

Great job on the minor axis (the line in the middle) it cut ellipses in 2 symetrical halves. The ellipse are snuggles to each that is great.

7.Plotted Perspective

Great work on this.

Greatjob on adding like weight on the boxes.

8.Rough Perspective

Some line of the are bit wobbles and you have repeating lines.

Most of them are hitting the Vp that Is great.

But in the the 2nd you fix your that is great.

9.Rotated Boxes

Lines are greats.

A few of the boxes are not rotating. But most of it are.

You have few repeated line No matter how off a line is, a you should never repeat it, they should kept the line as it if were correct and move on.

Some gaps are inconsistent but your execution are great on this one great Job.

10.Organic Perspective

Your lines here are confident

You did great making small boxes as they are far.

Your work are clean

Most of it are parallel to each other.

This is a very difficult exercise at this stage, so it was to be expected. You will have a lot more opportunity to practice this during the 250 Box Challenge.

Again congratulations on finishing the lesson one you did great overall you really put a effort on it great job.

Next Steps:


This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
6:32 AM, Saturday September 24th 2022

Thank you for the critique! I will definitely take the comments into account in the 250 box challenges. Already 50 boxes into it :D

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