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The Autumn Promptathon is Coming
2024 • 09 • 24  -  2024 • 09 • 30
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2 users agree
9:37 AM, Sunday January 29th 2023

Starting off with the organic arrows, the exercise is as much about the perspective as it is about the folds, as described here “Mistake: not applying perspective”. You did quite well with understanding how the 2D plane can turn and twist in 3D space, however I would like to see more attempts in pushing the boundries of the 2D paper into the infinite Z axis ???? .

Whereas your organic forms with contour ellipses are pretty good, I can see you are struggling with organic intersections, which is completely natural as it’s not an easy exercise. You have to make sure the width is uniform as otherwise the construction becomes inconsistent. What helped me when doing this exercise is to think of the sausage more as a cylinder with a ball at the each end first, and only then as a sausage.

The reason why I pay attention to this exercise so much is because it’s extremely important in future lessons, especially 4 and 5 where you will use sausages for every construction of an organic shape.

Your texture exercises are very good - you focus on the cast shadows and contours over outlines and explicit drawing.

The form intersections is a quite a difficult one to pull off and you are doing in it quite well too.

All in all, you understood the lesson very well, but I would like to see a few more pages of the following exercises:

Next Steps:

  • One page of organic arrows with deeper perspective

  • One page of organic intersections with the focus on consistent width

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
10:00 PM, Monday January 30th 2023

So I'm having some trouble understanding what you mean about width on the sausages. I tried my best to make some different forms to see which one would have the most consistent width. The link is provided above. As for the arrows, I understand what you mean and I will complete that, I just need so clarification on the organic intersections. Thanks!

7:24 PM, Tuesday January 31st 2023

I'm referring to the last - organic form intersections exercise, where forms are stacked on top of each other. The problem is that some of the "sausages" are non uniform at their width, as explained here.

With regards to the drawing you sent me, A, B and D are good, except for C where there the form gets pinched at the ends.

10:44 PM, Tuesday January 31st 2023

These are the two completed lessons you asked me to do.

6:26 AM, Wednesday February 1st 2023

Good progress, I will mark the lesson as complete

Next Steps:

Can move on to lesson 3

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
0 users agree
8:44 PM, Tuesday January 24th 2023

First off Nice work!

I'm only far enough into the lesson to crique your homework up until your textures.

I think you did a nice job capturing the shadows but some of the lines are pretty scratchy which draws the viewer out of the illusion a bit.

Looking at your textures I can see in some examples like the leaf and wood that the texture doesn't curve around the form quite yet, while some textures like the carpet and rope you did manage to have it wrap around the sasuage form.

9:35 PM, Tuesday January 24th 2023

Thanks man I appreciate it. yeah the texture sausages were pretty difficult for me, but i think it's already begun to help me. Thanks for taking the time to look at work!

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Steven Zapata's Secrets of Shading

Steven Zapata's Secrets of Shading

Some of you will have noticed that Drawabox doesn't teach shading at all. Rather, we focus on the understanding of the spatial relationships between the form we're drawing, which feeds into how one might go about applying shading. When it comes time to learn about shading though, you're going to want to learn it from Steven Zapata, hands down.

Take a look at his portfolio, and you'll immediately see why.

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