Hello, and welcome to drawabox. I’ll be going over your submission today~

Starting with your superimposed lines, these are looking mostly good. They’re smooth, and properly lined up at the start, though you’ll occasionally alter their trajectory- this is incorrect. The ghosted lines/planes look quite confident, too, though I have 2 things to point out. Firstly, I notice that your lines will sometimes arc as they approach the end point. Remember that the goal here isn’t for the line to be accurate, but rather confident. So long as it is, it’s perfectly fine for it to stop short of, overshoot, or even entirely miss the end point. Secondly, I notice that the center lines of the planes are sometimes a little off. This isn’t part of the exercise, but it becomes important later on, as you start to think about bisecting ellipses on their axes, so see if, starting now, you can spend a little longer on the planning stage.

The table of ellipses exercise looks solid. The ellipses occasionally a little stiff, especially in one of their rotations, so I’ll remind you once again that our goal is for them to be confident, and circular, first and foremost. It’d be nice if their rotations were tight, and they themselves properly fit within their frames, but not at the cost of it. Try, also, to lift your pen off the page at the end of their rotations, rather than flick it off- it’ll get rid of that little tail at the end. The ellipses in planes exercise looks great. You’re clearly aiming for them to touch all 4 sides of the plane, but not to the extent that they lose their roundness- that’s the way to go. Finally, the funnels exercise looks good. The minor axis cuts each ellipse into two equal, symmetrical halves, and, as a bonus, the ellipses increase in degree as they move away from its center.

In the box section, the plotted perspective exercise looks nice and clean- well done. The rough perspective exercise is quite nicely done, too- you’ve got 2 sets of lines that are parallel/perpendicular to the horizon, and 1 set that converges towards it – quite comfortably, too. This is, in all honesty, as good as one can expect to perform in this exercise, but if you’d like to take it even further, spend a little longer planning each point. Ghost it to its end point, and beyond it, to the horizon, and see where it intersects it. If you’re not satisfied, adjust accordingly. Nice work on the rotated boxes exercise. It’s missing 4 boxes (the corner ones), but what’s here is great. Your line-work is confident, the boxes themselves are snug, and rotate fairly comfortably (if a little quickly). Finally, the organic perspective exercise looks perfect. You’ve been mindful of the foreshortening of your boxes, as well as their size, and their convergences, too, look quite solid- this latter point being beyond the scope of even this lesson!

Well done, all around. I’ll be marking this lesson as complete, so feel free to move on to the box challenge.