Hi I hope you are having a good day, I will just bullet point the critique for you

Rotated Box challenge

you seem to have struggled with this and the boxes dont really have much rotation, this is fine though as most if not all people fail this aspect of lesson one, just come back to it later when you have more experience.

Organic Perspective

you havent really changed the scale or angle of the boxes for this challenge, and also some of the boxes are deformed. Try to keep in mind the vanishing points for each box, this will be better grasped after the 250 box challenge.

Rough perspective

you really need to ghost your lines for this, this is the reason there is a lot of diverging lines and each box doesnt go back to the same vanishing point.

plotted perspective

looks good


try to keep the degree of the ellipse consistent for this challenge, it will make it easier to touch all four points cleanly

also maybe ghost the lines a bit more so the stroke is more confident and consistent.

Ellipse warm up

pretty good effort, just ghost more and try to get the ellipses to touch the adjacent ellipses consistently.

ellipses in planes

try not to lift the pen off or vary the line consistency when drawing through your ellipses. Be more confident and commit to the line, it doesnt matter if you make a mistake.

Also the lines used to construct the planes are bending and arcing. Remember, plot your points before you draw the line, draw with a quick consistent line and if you miss the dot it doesnt matter, better to have a straight line that is wrong than to have a bent line.

Point to point and superimposed lines

same problem as when constructing the planes. You need to ghost more, and look at the point you are trying to meet as you draw through. Practicing this will eliminate the fraying lines and bends/ wobbles in your line.

I think if you repeat these warm ups daily and complete the 250 box challenge then you will improve your rough perspective and other problems.