First off, congrats on making 250 boxes! You can be proud for the rest of your life. The boxes look correct, but few things stand out to me:

  1. I see that you have a problem with confident lining, that is a common thing, especially when you are not focused on making lines, but constructing boxes. Sometimes you repeat a line you failed or you go too slow, not in a smooth samurai sword swipe fashion, that kills straight lines. Please don't do that in next lessons, confident skill is made upon foundation of confident faliure.

  2. You seem to do like half of the hatching for boxes, it is optional of course. But in regards to your situation with lines, I would recommend you to add hatching to the rest of the boxes. Hatching is a great exercise for learning confident and straight lines, because it is a lot of pretty small strokes that you need to make next to each other so they are parallel. Don't worry about failing at it tho, just go with the flow and prioritize confident line over a correct one.

Overall amazing job, your boxes perspective is absolutely great, but keep in mind the stuff I wrote above. Good luck in lesson 2, I recommend for you to pratice making straight confident lines a little bit more, because you might have a hard time making confident curvy lines, and there is a lot of that in lesson 2.