Hi there, welcome to DaB and congrats on completing lesson 1! I'll be reviewing your work.


Superimposed lines look great. Fraying at one end is perfectly normal at this stage. Each line maintains a consistent trajectory and your lines are looking straight and confident. Ghosted lines look good. There is arching in some instances, but for the most part you've made nice confident lines. Ghosted planes look good. If you aren't doing so already, plot each line so you can employ the ghosting method. Overall, you did well in this section and have made confident lines thus far.


Tables of ellipses look good. Ellipses are confident, round and properly drawn through. Ghosted Planes look pretty good. Some ellipses are too small to fit within the bounds of the plane, but that's fine. Funnels are pretty good aswell. Some ellipses aren't aligned to the minor axis, rather titled at a different angle. Overall, you've got round and confident ellipses, nice work on this section.


Plotted perspective is good, no comments. Rough perspective is pretty good. Horizontals are largely parallel and verticals are largely perpendicular to the horizon line. Lines are pretty straight and confident, but you do have the occasional arch. I also see some repeating lines - I don't recommend you to do this, even if a line is extremely off. Rotated boxes are good attempt. The corner boxes are a bit off, with some of them wide in length. But, overall linework looks clean. Some boxes aren't rotated enough. Organic perspective is good. It conveys the correct illusion - with boxes decreasing in size as they get farther from the viewer. There are some issues with box convergences, but no fear, those will be covered in the 250 box challenge.

Overall, you have some solid work! I recommend you to practice 2-3 of these exercises for 10-15 mins per day as a daily warmup. I'll go ahead and mark this as complete, good luck on the 250 box challenge!