8:41 AM, Friday October 27th 2023
Hello Koolestani, thank you for getting back to me with your revisions.
While your work here is marginally better than your original pages as you give yourself more space to work on your constructions and stop switching between pens, as well as become more intentional with your marks, creating some tighter structures overall, unfortunately it seems not all of my feedback was taken into account. You're still running into many of the issues which greatly harm the quality of your work mentioned previously such as:
Not drawing through your forms.
Not constructing your branch structures with the branch construction method in several of your pages.
Zigzagging your edge detail and leaving it out entirely from your actual plant constructions, when it should have been added in.
These are issues that heavily impact the quality of your work, as such I'm going to be asking you for some more revisions, because it's important that you address these mistakes before facing more complex construction challenges in the following lessons. Make sure to reread your critique and revisit the relevant lesson material, then please reply with:
1 page, half of leaves, half of branches.
2 plant construction pages.
Next Steps:
1 page, half of leaves, half of branches.
2 plant construction pages.