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8:41 AM, Friday October 27th 2023

Hello Koolestani, thank you for getting back to me with your revisions.

While your work here is marginally better than your original pages as you give yourself more space to work on your constructions and stop switching between pens, as well as become more intentional with your marks, creating some tighter structures overall, unfortunately it seems not all of my feedback was taken into account. You're still running into many of the issues which greatly harm the quality of your work mentioned previously such as:

  • Not drawing through your forms.

  • Not constructing your branch structures with the branch construction method in several of your pages.

  • Zigzagging your edge detail and leaving it out entirely from your actual plant constructions, when it should have been added in.

These are issues that heavily impact the quality of your work, as such I'm going to be asking you for some more revisions, because it's important that you address these mistakes before facing more complex construction challenges in the following lessons. Make sure to reread your critique and revisit the relevant lesson material, then please reply with:

1 page, half of leaves, half of branches.

2 plant construction pages.

Next Steps:

1 page, half of leaves, half of branches.

2 plant construction pages.

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
2:48 PM, Saturday October 28th 2023

Link to revisions

7:49 PM, Saturday October 28th 2023

Hello Koolestani, thank you for getting back to me.

There's not much to say, I'm happy to see you applied my feedback to your work and that you're demonstrating that you understand the concepts and principles this lesson seeks to teach, as well as how to apply the techniques to your work, as such I'm going to be marking this submission as complete. Good luck in Lesson 4.

Next Steps:

Don't forget to add these exercises to your list of warm ups.

Move on to Lesson 4.

This critique marks this lesson as complete.
8:07 PM, Wednesday November 1st 2023
edited at 8:08 PM, Nov 1st 2023

Thank you for the critique and bearing with me!


I thought I didn't receive any reply to that last message till now, then I saw the "Giver of Life" text under my avatar, which made me look around to find out what happened, turns out the reply was hidden behind a "VIEW MORE COMMENTS IN THIS THREAD" button.

edited at 8:08 PM, Nov 1st 2023
View more comments in this thread
The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something we've used ourselves, or know to be of impeccable quality. If you're interested, here is a full list.
The Art of Brom

The Art of Brom

Here we're getting into the subjective - Gerald Brom is one of my favourite artists (and a pretty fantastic novelist!). That said, if I recommended art books just for the beautiful images contained therein, my list of recommendations would be miles long.

The reason this book is close to my heart is because of its introduction, where Brom goes explains in detail just how he went from being an army brat to one of the most highly respected dark fantasy artists in the world today. I believe that one's work is flavoured by their life's experiences, and discovering the roots from which other artists hail can help give one perspective on their own beginnings, and perhaps their eventual destination as well.

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