
8:23 PM, Monday October 21st 2024


I’ve gotten back into Drawabox after a while, and I want to practice Lesson 5 again. I had some trouble with the eye socket, and I read the new informal demo. I have a question about this one: https://drawabox.com/lesson/5/6/heads.

The eye sockets are planes, so if we view the sphere from the side, it looks something like this: https://imgur.com/a/fRBYQQV.

Am I right? Is the idea that the eye socket is a hemisphere on that plane, or is it more like a plane cut opening where the eye socket is a ball?

Best regards,


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8:41 PM, Monday October 21st 2024

The eye socket shape is more of an opening which we place the eye ball into. It's not a flat plane, but rather the opening of a cavity.

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11:22 AM, Thursday October 31st 2024

the eyes is a sphere on the head But only a little of it shows, only half of it is true, but the sides show a little more than half because the curvature reveals more of the sphere of the eyes

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