Your super imposed lines look good, and overall your accuracy has improved from the first to the last page. Some of the pages for the ellipses table don’t have clear limits so there’s no way to know if you’re undershooting or overshooting. Some of them are very wobbly, I’ve heard Comfy repeat that he would rather have inaccurate and confident traces over wobbly accurate traces. Same for the ellipses in the ghosted planes and funnel, many of them look wobbly. I think using another color on the rough perspective exercise would help a bit to see where the VP is going. Overall I think you did great, I am a beginner myself so I don’t have much to offer regarding the boxes because it’s something I don’t fully understand yet, but I feel you’ve grasped the main idea, I would only suggest putting emphasis on your confident ellipses on your warmup exercises. Maybe somebody else can comment on the boxes.