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3:00 AM, Saturday February 6th 2021

Hi there Coldriver! Welcome to drawabox! Overall you've done a great job, but I'll go through the the issues I can find so you can keep improving:

Starting with your lines they're pretty straight and accurate, though at times I can see a little bit of wobble. If you take a look at this section, you'll see that a line that is wobbly will always be a level 0 while a confident line will always be at least a level 1. This means that if you're making a line and realize it's going off, the best course of action to take is to trust your muscle memory and make a confident line. Because if you don't do it and try to change the trajectory you'll get a level 0 instead of a level 1. This will mess with the accuracy of the lines of course, but as you keep practicing confident lines the accuracy will gradually get better, so no need to worry about it!

The other thing is that on the ghosted planes you aren't plotting all of your lines. Before drawing any line you need to first draw the starting and ending dots, otherwise you won't be able to ghost them properly. This includes the vertical and horizontal lines on the ghosted planes as well.

On ellipses you're doing pretty decently as well, they're mostly confident, and even though they get a bit wobbly and pointy at times (remember that the confident thing applies here as well, so don't forget to prioritize it over accuracy) you normally keep them within bounds and they're pretty solid.

The wobbliness thing gets a bit worse on the ghosted planes, and I think it is because you might be thinking that the center of the ghosted planes is the same as the ones on the ellipse. If this is the case, don't worry about it as it isn't true. Focus on drawing the ellipses as confidently as you can within the bounds just like in the table of ellipses.

Lastly, it looks like in the funnels you're sometimes not trying to allign the ellipses to the minor axis. Even if the initial curves are off, make sure that you make the minor axis line cut the ellipses in 2 identical halves. If it means ignoring the initial curves because they're off, then ignore them.

On boxes you're mostly doing a good job, but I want to mention a few things:

-First is that you seem to be repeating a few lines. No matter how off a line is, don't repeat it. Repeating it will only make the drawing more messy and encourage bad habits.

-On rough pespective you're doing a pretty good job at keeping the width and height lines parallel and perpendicular to the horizon, but there are a few lines that are a bit crooked. To get this better you can check before making a line if it looks correct or not. If it doesn't you can just change the initial and ending dots and try again.

-On rotated boxes you're doing a pretty good job rotating the boxes. The issue with it is that you aren't always keeping the corners betwen boxes close, as shown here. This is really important because it allows us to take advantage of the trick explained here, so don't forget it in future attempts!

-Lastly organic perspective is pretty good. You aren't getting nervous and starting to rush regardless of the exercise being hard just like with rotated boxes, so good job! The only thing I want to comment here is that you're adding lineweight to inner parts of your boxes. Try to avoid it as explained here.

A thing you can do as well to make the exercise more readable is to add lineweight to the parts of the outer lines of boxes that overlap with others. If you do it make sure you do it with a ghosted superimposed line too!

Like I said before this is a pretty solid submission so I'm marking it as complete. Don't hesitate to ask questions if you have doubts, don't forget to do your warmups, keep up the good work and good luck with the 250 box challenge!

Next Steps:

250 box challenge

This critique marks this lesson as complete.
6:22 AM, Saturday February 6th 2021

Thanks for the critique. I'll keep in mind the things you've mentioned.

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