Hey there nam, congrats on finishing the 250 box challenge. Let's get to your critique.

So you start off by drawing your boxes too small per the instructions but I am glad to see that by the end of the challenge you scaled up so I won't have to ask you to do more. You did a good job throughout your challenge exploring 3d space by moving your boxes around, scaling them in different ways, and varying up the rates of convergences. Your line quality overall is pretty good but your hatching gets a little haphazard at times which undermines the overall solidity of your forms. You did a good job with your exploration of line weight to improve the solidity of your boxes so keep practicing your superimposed lines exercises to get your application a little more refined.

Looking at your boxes in terms of convergences, you are making improvements in terms of tracking towards the vanishing points, but there's still room for improvement. Uncomfortable has made this infographic to further explain how we should be viewing parallel lines in perspective. The key to this is that we need to be viewing them as an ensemble tied together by the vanishing point. As the vanishing point changes, the angles between these lines changes. Most of the time students get distracted by things like trying to locate the back corner of a box instead of focusing on your lines all consistently converging towards their vanishing point and keeping track of the internal angles between the lines. This means that you need to look at all 4 parallel lines in tandem as you draw your boxes. This is difficult at first to "step back" and consider all the lines at first but with mindful practice it starts to become intuitive and things fall into place.

So you have done a good job drawing your boxes mindfully, applying your check lines at each page and taking that information into the next pages to show consistent growth. Your sense of space and form have grown a lot throughout this challenge and I will be marking it as complete. Keep practicing your boxes in warm ups so you don't get rusty with them as the next few lessons are very organic heavy. That being said, keep up the good work and we'll see you next time.