A question about references in lesson 4.

2:33 PM, Tuesday June 22nd 2021

Hello everyone.

I am currently working on lesson 4, and was wondering if it is ok to use crustaceans as references.

2 users agree
1:38 PM, Thursday June 24th 2021

While scoobyclub is right in general, in this case crustaceans are allowed for lesson 4, and you'll even find a couple demonstrations of them on the informal demos page.

They're what I'd recommend to anyone with arachnophobia.

5:19 PM, Monday June 28th 2021

Thank you for answering me. I wish I have seen it before finishing the lesson, because I would have enjoyed drawing crustaceans more :,) .

1 users agree
4:06 AM, Wednesday June 23rd 2021

I would stick to insects and arachnids. That's what the lesson is about and I can't see a useful reason to ignore that.

10:40 AM, Wednesday June 23rd 2021

Alright, Thank you.

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Still, I'd recommend buying these in person if you can, at a proper art supply store. They'll generally let you buy them individually, and also test them out beforehand to weed out any duds.

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