Hello sevenlargetrees, congrats on completing L1. Here are some thoughts and comments:

Superimposed Lines: Slight arching in those longer lines. This is reduced with practiced or you could consciously arch in the opposite direction.

Rough perspective: Line quality takes a hit here. Remember lines should be carefully planned, but once the pen hits the paper you've got to perform a smooth confident stroke. It is also worth mentioning that you should never go over your lines in an attempt to correct them; not in this course. Keep in mind that all width lines should be parallel to the horizon line, while height lines should be perfectly perpendicular.

Rotated Boxes: Note how some of your boxes aren't actually rotating . Take a look at how some of them follow the same VP. I'd also suggest that you continue the use of hatching lines, as they are of great help in clarifying your drawing.

Conclusion: I've just highlighted what I believe can be improved upon, but there is much in your submission that I find to be strong. You are certainly ready for the 250 box challenge. Just keep in mind the points listed above and don't forget to incorporate these exercises as warm ups.

Best of luck moving forward
