Lesson 3: Applying Construction to Plants
3:12 AM, Monday June 6th 2022
Hello Uncomfortable, awhile back I asked you something very personal. And on normal circumstances any other person would’ve just kept silent about this.
However as my respect for you has grown, I felt like this wasn’t something I could just overlook without feeling absolutely shit. If you haven’t guessed it by now, when I stated those “people” I was referring to none other than myself.
As I am not new student here, what I’ve learned here has definitely aided me in various ways. So much in fact that if I were to write it all down, it’d take more than a fraction of your time. However, If there is one thing that is clear, it is that your acts have been more than just a "push on the back" for me.
Hopefully all this doesn’t seem like an attempt for me to gain you validation, because it isn’t.
I just felt giving you an honest insight into me as a student of yours and a sincere apology was necessary, regardless of whether this whole thing makes you rolls your eyes or upsets you. I figured being upfront was the least I could do if I wanted to try making up for all the crap I gave you behind your back.
Although I would love to continue learning from your feedback and content, that is entirely up to you. After all, there is no reason for me to stay somewhere I am not welcome, And that is a possibility I was aware of when I decided to write this.
Sorry if this went on to be very long and personal, As a lot of edits were made I just wanted this to be delivered to you comprehensively as possible. The submission wont be as important as usually.