Congrats on finishing lesson 1!

While it isn't a big deal, in the future it would make it easier for people to give you critique if the exercises in the album are displayed in the order in which they are assigned.

Your lines section is generally well done. Your superimposed lines tend to wobble, especially on the curves. Remember, the point of the exercise to get smooth lines, not necessarily accurate ones which will perfectly overlap each other. Line confidence generally matters more than accuracy.

Your ellipses tend to wobble as well. It might be helpful to ghost for a bit longer to really nail that elliptical shape, and not to put too much effort into getting an ellipse that sits perfectly into the plane or table. In your funnels, you should also consider trying to draw a wider range of degrees (go from thin to thick more drastically).

Your perspective exercises are really well done, especially the rotated boxes, which a lot of people have trouble with. While your convergences are off, especially in your organic perspective, you will improve that aspect of your boxes a lot with the 250 box challenge.