Hello Commonlang! Congrats on finishing lesson 1! I'm Strauss and would be pleased to critique your work, hope that they can assist you on your art journey. I’ll divided this into 3 major sections, let’s get into it:


  • Super-imposes Lines look nice, being executed with confidence (which is the first and foremost core thing to achieve good lines). There’s fraying at the end but as long as it’s on one-side only (meaning that you took your time to ghost every single line with care and precision), you’re good to go!.

  • The Ghosted Lines, too, are confident, though there’s a few line that have slight change in trajectory & missing the initial end-point, it’s minimal (and can be trained overtime so don’t worry!) and most importantly, like I said above, confidence is key, and you nailed it well. Though, I suggest that next time when you decided to revisit this as warm-ups, try to draw longer lines. This is not by any means, mandatory, but it will definitely beneficial in the long run, to be more flexible with your mark-marking skill.

  • For Ghosted Planes, I can see some wobbly lines here and there, but overall okay!


  • For Ellipses in Planes - Sometimes your ellipses either aren’t touching the corner or accidentally went over the base plane, but your ellipses are mostly being executed with confidence, so nice work! (for ellipses, we prefer their smoothness/roundness over accuracy)

  • Tables Of Ellipses, overall great! Your ellipses are being executed with confidence, super-imposed them 2-3 times, and fit them tightly/snugly within the table bound.

  • The Funnels looking very solid too. Lines are confident. The minor axis being placed correctly, properly cut the ellipses in half.


  • Plotted Perspective: Solid work, you also use hatching + line weight to emphasize the planes that are facing the viewer, and it helps visualize boxes in 3D space better, not mandatory, but it’s a nice touch.

  • For Rough Perspective: . Lines are a bit wobbly, but overall great! Here’s a rules of thumb: "width lines should be parallel to horizon and height lines perpendicular to the horizon”

  • Rotated Boxes : Good. You don’t leave much space between the boxes, plus I can see that you did try your best to follow the instruction. Check this imgur link, I noted a few things in there; https://imgur.com/a/sMdpbVV. Then again, I assure you, Rotated Boxes this is one of the hardest exercise in Lesson 1, and the most important thing that matters is that you did it. Great job.

  • For Organic Perspective: solid work. Nice rotations!

Overall, you did great! You can now head to the 250 Box Challenge. Using (any) Lesson 1 homework as warm-ups is recommended. Good luck.