Lesson 5: Applying Construction to Animals

7:00 PM, Monday June 10th 2024

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Way harder than I thought it'd be

2 users agree
11:50 PM, Tuesday July 16th 2024

Here is the crit! if you have any questions please ask them! Like I said i want you to 1 mroe page of organic intersections and do 2 more animals, 4 legged ones, like a horse or a bear, good luck and keep up the good work!

Next Steps:

-1 more page of organic intersections

-2 more animals, 4 legged ones (1 per page make it big)

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
6:24 PM, Monday August 5th 2024

Hi here are the revisions - https://imgur.com/a/k5kIixl

Also thanks a lot for critiquing my work!

11:55 AM, Friday August 23rd 2024

They dissapeared! Can you reupload them?

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