2 users agree
3:27 PM, Saturday May 18th 2024
edited at 7:33 PM, May 19th 2024

Hay, Kat2000 Nice work! Your controlled marks illustrate confidence, control and implementation on the ghosting method especially the early exercises (imposed lines, ghosted lines, ghosted planes) and that your absorbing the concept of perspective, though there is some slight bowing and wobbling in your organic perspective boxes. But hey, that’s something that should go away aslong as you continue to practice and gain more confiance.

There are some errors in your ellipses and rough perspective exercise. While all three Your table of ellipses, ellipses on planes and Funnell exercises illustrate good even shaped ellipses that you draw through, they tend to be free floating. They need to be snugg (ie. touching eachother and/or the walls, trying to make contact with all 4 sides of the plane (on average you tend to only hid 2 or 3), and the sides of the funnell).

Your Rough perspective exercises displays evidence of ghosting and that you put alot of thought into where the boxes ought to converge. The error here is in your line extensions, they don’t extend correctly. The extended lines ought to be continuations of the sides of the boxes till they reach the horizon line rather then a corner. Don’t worry is a common mistake (https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/20/extendinglineswrong)


Sorry I forgot to mention that your Rotated boxes also need some work. The boxes 2 units out from the center aren't rotating, there converging to the same VP as the boxes 1 unit out form the center box. What I found helped with this was thinking about the slope of the lines keep getting more extreme as the box rotates because the lines are converging faster.

In conclusion, you did a really good job, there are just a few mistakes and things to work on before moving on.

Next Steps:

For Next steps I would redo 2 of the ellipses exercises focuses on making contact with the walls and sides of other ellipses, and redo 1 rough perspective exercises focusing one making sure your extended lines follow the converging box sides and extend to the horizon line.

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
edited at 7:33 PM, May 19th 2024
12:07 AM, Monday May 20th 2024

Hello and thanks for taking the time to critique my work. I think there has been some misunderstanding here, I've already gotten my work critiqued by a another Dab community member Wreckagefather.

I was told I was missing some assignments and my assignments photos where blurry due to an old phone

And I had to reupload those photos on the website.

Turns out, he already critiqued my old assignments anyway. I will definitely keep your critiques in mind when I'm doing my lesson one homework warm-ups.

Again I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.

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