Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes

11:30 AM, Monday October 3rd 2022

Drawabox L. 1 - Album on Imgur

Direct Link: https://i.imgur.com/r697ZGO.jpg

Post with 24 views. Drawabox L. 1

Hello, here I am, again. I had made lesson 1 quite time ago but decided to start over. Also I'm actually interested in skipping the 250 boxes challenge, just to make things a bit faster, please give me your opinion about that.

0 users agree
3:28 AM, Thursday October 6th 2022
edited at 3:29 AM, Oct 6th 2022

Pleased to meet you today, I am Doctormein and I'll be critiquing your work for today.

But before we get to that, let's answer your question first.

- Skipping 250 boxes challenges

I am very, very much against skipping 250 boxes challenge. Firstly, this course wasn't meant to be finished in a week or two, it takes months even years for some. The act of skipping content and lesson stuff may have been more detrimental to your growth far more than actually doing the long and grueling challenge itself.

Secondly, the content and practice you gained from doing the challenge will serve as a foundation to your next lesson (Lesson 2) without doing the challenge, just like Uncomfortable say, you'll have a hole in your foundation that you'll eventually have to fill down the line.

Perhaps these link will prove useful to you. https://drawabox.com/article/talent https://drawabox.com/article/motivation

With that out of the way, let's move on to our critique.

- Lines

Superimposed lines

Your superimposed lines looks brilliant. They look confident, straight, and well thought-out. Though there's quite a bit of fraying at its ends, this is a normal mistake to make as a student.

Additional notes : It'll be great if you could incorporate more curves into your practice. This'll proved immensely useful once you've reached lesson 2

Ghosted lines

This exercise is also quite well done. Bold, confident, and hesitation free execution is at the core of this lesson. On top of that, there's nearly no sign of arcing line at all. Good job.

Additional notes : I suppose you could try to draw more ghosted lines on the page. Like in this image.

Ghosted planes

This exercise is simply a slightly complex version of ghosted lines exercise, so it were to be expected that you'll do well here too. One thing I would like to nitpick is you're overshooting your lines for a bit. I believe this is a matter of practice before you'll stop overshooting them, but I'll provide This link regardless.

Additional notes : It would be Ideal if students don't doodles or draw anything beside the exercises in their homework submissions. This'll only serve as a distraction from the main purpose of the exercises, hence making them less effective.

- Ellipses

Table of ellipses

Nicely done. You're drawing through your ellipses 2-3 times as the lesson requested and you're trying your best to kept those ellipses within bound too. Accuracy will come with time and practice, so make sure to iron those out during your warm-up sessions.

Ellipses in planes

Just like I've mentioned above, there are some ellipses that are not kept within bound, but I believe this is a matter of practice and will go away with warm-ups. Other than that, your ellipses are smooth, confident and only a tiny portion of them are a little deformed. Well done.


I am quite surprised to see you did this exercise quite well on your first try. Most students often have trouble drawing funnels on their first time, especially with the minor axis, but you've managed to keep most of the ellipses aligned with the minor axis. There's still some ellipses that are slightly misaligned, sure, but this will also come with practice too.

- Boxes

Rough perspective

As long as you're following the instruction properly, there's no need to worry over this exercise. And you've done so, nicely.

Rough perspective

I am also surprised to see that you've done this exercise nicely too. You've made none of the common mistake mentioned in the exercise page, and your execution of those lines still remain solid too. However, I also saw some lines that were repeated. No matter how misplaced a line may be, leave it as though it's correct. But that's just about it. Good job.

Additional notes : It might be a good idea to spread those boxes out a little like in this example image. You're also overshooting your lines a bit too. So it would be great if you could pay attention on them too

Rotated boxes.

You're first attempt is very, very solid. Those boxes actually looks like they're rotating, you're keeping stuff together and you're drawing through properly. One thing I would like to mention is that you forgot to draw boxes that are on the edges. (Those 4 boxes on different edges) Don't forget to do these also. Here's an example in the official Drawabox website

Organic perspective.

Though anticlimactic, most of the critique I was going to mention here is going to be in the 250 boxes challenge anyways. So... well done.

Next Steps:

This submission, without a doubt, will be marked as complete.

Don't forget to put those critique to good uses during your warm-up session.



Next step

250 boxes challenge.

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
edited at 3:29 AM, Oct 6th 2022
9:32 AM, Saturday January 28th 2023
edited at 9:34 AM, Jan 28th 2023

Hello there, if you are reading this! Yes, i got to this critique just now, and I'd like to thank you for this brilliant review.

After submitting my work I decided to start 250 box challenge anyway, without waiting for the actual critique. Should admit, I'm having bad time trying to keep consistency, procrastination and lots of events are really getting in the way. I'll do my best to get back to studying.

Speaking of repeated lines, unfortunately I read this review a bit too late so made some while drawing boxes. From now I won't. However, as you wrote, with practice overshooting occurs less and less often.

That's it.

Good luck!

P.s. as always, don't mind my language mistakes

edited at 9:34 AM, Jan 28th 2023
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