
I'm going to critiquing your submission. Congratulations on completing the 250 box challenge! It takes a lot of time and patience to complete it.

Even though your lines were quite wobbly in the beginning, the line quality has increased towards the end. Your lines towards the end are straight, accurate and confident.

The extending lines of box 132 were towards the wrong direction. It should always be extended away from the centre dot of Y. You forgot to draw them for box 12. You should also avoid drawing parrallel lines.Some boxes you drew here did not follow the 3 point perspectiveand the initial Y, for example box 12,15, 194, 202, 205, 221 and 224. Boxes in 3 point perspective always converge. The lines should not diverge or be parallel. You can check the lesson and refer this https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/bc7fcf51.jpg image for understanding better.

The hatching in your first few boxes were rushed and wobbly, but it got more neater and better towards the end. You should also add line weight to your boxes. It makes your boxes look less 2D and allows the viewer to see the correct form of the box.

Inner corner are common issues in the 250 box challenge. Although you improved throughout the challenge, it's important that you know how to not repeat the same mistake.You can refer this image to get better.https://i.imgur.com/8PqQLE0.png. This can also help. https://imgur.com/a/DHlA3Jh

You did a great job of trying out different orientations, you can also check this image for future reference https://imgur.com/Kqg6uMX.

Overall I think you did a good job. Remember to come back to these boxes for warmup. I think you are ready to move on to Lesson 2. Good luck!