The Autumn Promptathon is Coming
2024 • 09 • 24  -  2024 • 09 • 30
The Autumn Promptathon is Coming
2024 • 09 • 24  -  2024 • 09 • 30
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3 users agree
9:34 PM, Tuesday September 29th 2020

Hi Omaryaser,

Thanks for posting the revisions I asked for. Looks to me like you have a good grasp of the lesson. I will mark this one as complete and as soon as two others agree you can move to the next lesson. I would keep practicing the superimposed lines. This will help you with accuracy.

Take care.

Next Steps:

Hi Omaryaser,

Thanks for posting the revisions I asked for. Looks to me like you have a good grasp of the lesson. I will mark this one as complete and as soon as two others agree you can move to the next lesson. I would keep practicing the superimposed lines. This will help you with accuracy.

Take care.

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 3 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
7:06 PM, Wednesday September 30th 2020

Thank you for this effort.

2 users agree
9:24 PM, Sunday September 27th 2020

The work you did looks pretty good overall. The superimposed lines is pretty loose (lines diverge quite a bit) so I would advise you to keep practicing these in warmup. Eventually (with practice) you should be able to superimpose these lines with a lot less straying off course. The rest is detailed below.

Next Steps:


Your homework is incomplete. You combined the ghosted planes and the ellipses in planes into one submission. The homework calls for 2 pages of each. Also, the ghosted planes exercise is not complete. The plane needs to have two lines from corner to corner and two lines that bisect the center point. According to the homework instructions you can make a copy of the ghosted planes exercise to use for the ellipses in planes exercise, but when finished you still need to submit 2 pages each.

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
10:15 PM, Monday September 28th 2020

First, thank you for your time.

Second, i don't know if i can modify the original submission so in the new link i reuploaded the original uploads, added 2 pages of gosted planes, and one practice page of superimposed lines.

1 users agree
9:08 PM, Friday October 30th 2020
  1. Your superimposed lines are good, not much to say here as they're generally not to complex to grade.

  2. Your ghosted lines could use a little bit of work. They occasionally miss the intended end point. Remember to lock your wrist and use your shoulder as the main pivot point! Your elbow will move a little bit to compensate for this, just make sure that the elbow doesn't turn into it's own pivot. Also make sure that you have a clear view of your start and endpoint when ghosting!

  3. Your ghosted planes look good, thank you for adding ellipses to them. You draw through the ellipses in the planes a few too many times, leading to a rough read. Remember to watch out for your boundaries when making ellipses.

  4. Your funnels look good, still drawn through a few too many times. You should draw through your ellipses twice.

  5. Good plotted perspective, not much to say here.

  6. Your rough perspective is mostly good, although your boxes have very hairy lines. Remember to ghost and use one swift stroke for your line! You don't want to get into the habit of reinforcing your lines by dragging the pen over them again.

  7. Your rotated boxes are really good! Nothing much to say here, which is rare, good job!

  8. Your organic perspective could use some work. You have a good understanding of depth, but your lines again come off as scratchy in places like your rough perspective. You will have more tools at your disposal to draw good boxes with the 250 box challenge.

Next Steps:

You should definitely practice ghosting as a warm-up, and maybe touch up on some light organic perspective as your boxes are a little scratchy. Remember lesson 0, don't grind them, just some light warm-up work. Otherwise, good luck and godspeed to the 250 boxes.

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
9:21 PM, Friday October 30th 2020

i really appreciate your critique.

i really miss accuracy with ellipses, working on it.

also, working on ghosting lines too.

thanks again

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Rapid Viz

Rapid Viz

Rapid Viz is a book after mine own heart, and exists very much in the same spirit of the concepts that inspired Drawabox. It's all about getting your ideas down on the page, doing so quickly and clearly, so as to communicate them to others. These skills are not only critical in design, but also in the myriad of technical and STEM fields that can really benefit from having someone who can facilitate getting one person's idea across to another.

Where Drawabox focuses on developing underlying spatial thinking skills to help facilitate that kind of communication, Rapid Viz's quick and dirty approach can help students loosen up and really move past the irrelevant matters of being "perfect" or "correct", and focus instead on getting your ideas from your brain, onto the page, and into someone else's brain as efficiently as possible.

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