Hi again PappaWayne, I've checked your submission!

Now, I wanted to make a comment of a problem I'm seeing all through the lesson, you are not really showing confidence with your line quality and sometimes even with your textures. I don't wanna sound hard, I've been there too, but remember that if you are afraid of your mistakes you will not learn from them. Next time you are on a lesson, don't be so shy with your lines, textures or constructions, remember that we are here to give all we got and learn from the mistakes we make!

On to the actual lesson, starting out with your organic arrows I'm liking that you are making them flow through the page, though you are only exploring 2 dimensions with them , try making them go deeper and closer; this can be made by making them bigger as they get closer and also making the spaces between turns smaller as they get further! (though I'm seeing that you started using some of these methods on the second page but don't be so shy with them!)

Another issue that I'm seeing is that your lines look a little wobbly, I know that organic lines are probably the hardest, but remember to always apply confidence over accuracy, don't be afraid to make mistakes, you will get better at it with time and practice!

One last thing, Here is a quick demo on where to apply line weight and cast shadows on your organic arrows, remember that they are also part of the construction phase!

Moving on to your organic forms, don't get frustrated if they don't turn up perfect, they take time, the important thing is that you prioritize confidence over accuracy like we have already talked about. The same can be applied to your ellipses and contour curves, but I don't wanna keep on hammering on that point.

One thing that I'm seeing is that you are not varying the degrees of your ellipses, this is a key element to take into account when you are trying to sell the illusion of depth!

Now, seeing your textures I liked that you found it easier to apply textures in the dissections than in the texture analysis exercise, this shows that you are starting to develop a good grasp on 3d forms! Now there are still some things I wanna touch on.

First of all, when we are striving to convey texture, we are supposed to do it implicitly with the use of cast shadows, changing the contours and gradually making the change from shadow to light. You kind of made a mix of these elements on your dissections; you explicitly showed the textures by drawing them directly, but then also affected the silhouette and made a transition from dark to light, which at the end didn't really worked because you didn't use cast shadows to being with! All of these into account, you did a good job, the only thing you have to start working on is to use cast shadows in exchange of just drawing the texture, I recommend you go back to this video from the lesson which explains the difference between implicit vs explicit.

Seeing your form intersections I'm noticing that you are using line weight to highlight the whole part of the form that is intersecting with another form. This is not exactly what you should use it for, by applying line weight on all the part that the form is intersecting, you are drawing attention to it, but most of this time, this part is inside another form!

You should use line weight to highlight just the section of the form that is actually on top of the other, in which it cuts the other form. I hope that was clear, here is how Uncomfy does it if you wanna compare.

On your organic intersections I'm seeing some issues that we have already talked about, not shifting the degrees of the contour curves and not wobbly lines. Other than that I can see that you are understanding how forms pilled up, although you could apply some line weight to clarify which forms are on top of which.

Overall, you did a really good job on this lesson! A few recommendations moving forward would be to warm up and long ghosted line to practice that confidence, and start thinking of mistakes as opportunities, as cheesy as that sounds, that should be the mentality you need to have to make the most out of this course!

I'm gonna mark this lesson as completed! Ping me whenever you are done with one of your lessons, I'm gonna go over them.

Keep it up.