• Superimposed lines: OK

  • Ghosting: OK

  • Planes: you forgot to draw center lines, otherwise OK

  • Ellipses tables: ellipses & circles look kind of blocky, try ghosting ellipses a few times before putting marks, and finish them in decent speed to get smoother lines

  • Ellipses in planes: OK

  • Funnels: mostly OK, some ellipses centers are not aligned on axis correctly

  • Ruler perspective: OK

  • Free-hand perspective: You seem to miss VP by quite a distance, and some lines look sketchy (drawn in few short lines instead of one smooth line) make sure to ghost lines and only put the marks when ghosted line is hitting VP, also make sure to use your shoulder

  • Rotated boxes: OK

  • Organic boxes: well all your boxes looks like they have same rotation in most planes (expect the one viewer is looking at), do try to vary your boxes, you can try to watch this on how to rotate a box or watch video on 250 boxes challenge page