Hey Hey! Good job on Lesson 3!


Organic Arrows:

Did well: Very minimal over/undershooting where two lines meet. Basically perfect in that regard!

Could improve:

-Some lines are a tad bit wobbly.

-Some arrows recede into space unevenly, which breaks the illusion of depth.


Overall these look really nice. They look smooth and have some gesture to them. for improvement you could try pushing the gesture even more and trying to draw more leaves that fold over themselves.


Areas to improve: I observe some fraying where two parts of the line meet. There are also some ellipses which don't quite touch the edge of the branch where they are supposed to.

8 pages of plant drawings:

Some areas to improve:

-Some gestures feel like they could be pushed a bit more. For example, a lot of the leaves in the potato plant drawing feel a bit stiff.

-some unevenness in the width of the branches/stems that doesn't seem intentional. I had a LOT of trouble with that too!

-Some fraying in the branches/stems (something I also had a lot of trouble with)

Overall, it definitely looks like you are giving a lot of effort and are good to move on! :) Good luck!!