Problem- I don't think I'm outlining my boxes right

12:10 AM, Saturday December 2nd 2023

I'm working on the 250 box challenge, and I'm outlining my boxes by using my shoulders. However, I feel like going through with this is causing a lot of shaky lines in the outline. Here's a photo of my boxes for today.

Should I do the outlines with my wrists instead? Or drop doing outlines altogether?

4 users agree
4:50 PM, Saturday December 2nd 2023

You should be applying the ghosting method, as introduced in Lesson 1, to all of your freehanded strokes throughout this course. That will help you focus on executing your marks with more confidence, which will help reduce/eliminate your wobbling. This goes for your initial lines, your line weight, etc.

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7:16 PM, Tuesday December 5th 2023

Using the ghost method will help you a lot, in addition to balancing the movement of your hand with that of your elbow, making them both move the pen in the same direction at the same time and with the same force, but not using too much force, if you Do this very carefully, because the pen is being pushed to the right and left with the same force, you end up making a straight line more easily, I know it can be very difficult to get used to, but it can help you a lot.

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12:09 AM, Tuesday December 19th 2023

You might want to try warming up with a ghosting exercise or just trying it out when doing your 50% rule.

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