Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes

7:07 PM, Tuesday December 5th 2023

Draw A Box HomeWork/Exercises Lession 1 - Album on Imgur

Direct Link: https://i.imgur.com/nOKhXW2.jpg

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The first DrawABox exercises, how can I improve so I don't make the same mistakes, thanks in advance to anyone who gives feedback.

1 users agree
8:28 AM, Sunday February 4th 2024

Hello there I call myself Quat and I am going to review your exercises for lesson 1

First of all the Superimposed lines exercise: on the second page a lot of your lines tend to be wobbly you are supposed to ghost your lines and apply them in one quick stroke, which you seem to have done correctly in the first page. I am not going to make you redo the exercise but it's worth remembering for when you do it as a warm up.

the ghosted lines exercise: some of your lines are wobbly and much like the Superimposed lines exercise it is not worth redoing but it's worth remembering.

the ghosted panels exercise was done correctly. Same goes for all the exercises until the rough perspective exercise (the exercises from Ex 3 to Ex 6 are done correctly and I don't have any critique to give for them)

As for the rough perspective exercise even though the steps are followed correctly but your lines are very wobbly and I will need to ask you to repeat the exercise.

As for the rotated boxes exercise although the page is a mess, it is expected from this exercise, you have also drawn the left hand side boxes in an incorrect way seeing how they seem to converge to the same vanishing point which means that I will probably have to ask you to do it again.

Lastly the organic perspective exercise this exercise is done well and doesn't need to be revised.

Next Steps:

Draw one page of the ghosted lines as warm up then draw one page of the rough perspective exercise

And draw one page of the rotated boxes exercise

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
5:11 PM, Sunday February 4th 2024

I find your criticisms very validating, looking back, I realize that I made several mistakes because I wanted to have more control over my lines. I notice this problem, also in my 250 box exercises, I will redo the pages, thank you for your analysis, as it helped a lot.

11:41 PM, Monday February 12th 2024

https://imgur.com/a/dMeNe1G Here the exercises were done again. Was it good?

2:07 AM, Tuesday February 13th 2024

You did a great job with the exercises I gave you

Next Steps:

Your next step should be the 250 boxes challenge, don't forget to take the time and do the 50:50 rule correctly

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
11:15 AM, Tuesday February 13th 2024

Thanks so much for your analyze.

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