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6:14 PM, Sunday June 18th 2023

Ultimately everything we're doing throughout this course is learning how to navigate spatial problems, and the techniques we use are less about reproducing a particular structure perfectly, and more about how those steps influence the way in which our brains are rewired through the process. This demo is indeed the kind of approach you'll want to use regardless of the variation in the head structure, simply because it helps develop that understanding of spatial reasoning more effectively. This is an approach we've worked up to gradually, so older demos don't reflect it as well as they could - but that's something that will gradually be addressed as we continue overhauling the video/demo content.

In the meantime, this demonstration of the same approach being employed on a particularly irregular rhino head structure shows how it can be applied regardless of significant variations in the structure. It's all about building up structures one new form at a time, and making use of intermediary steps along the way.

12:47 PM, Monday June 19th 2023

Thank you for the information!

The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something I've used myself. If you're interested, here is a full list.
Ellipse Master Template

Ellipse Master Template

This recommendation is really just for those of you who've reached lesson 6 and onwards.

I haven't found the actual brand you buy to matter much, so you may want to shop around. This one is a "master" template, which will give you a broad range of ellipse degrees and sizes (this one ranges between 0.25 inches and 1.5 inches), and is a good place to start. You may end up finding that this range limits the kinds of ellipses you draw, forcing you to work within those bounds, but it may still be worth it as full sets of ellipse guides can run you quite a bit more, simply due to the sizes and degrees that need to be covered.

No matter which brand of ellipse guide you decide to pick up, make sure they have little markings for the minor axes.

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