4 users agree
10:47 AM, Monday February 19th 2024
edited at 11:51 AM, Feb 20th 2024

Hello there I call myself Quat and I am going to review your exercises for lesson 3

The organic arrows and the leaves exercises are really well done, both of them imply good understanding of how the objects exist in space. And the details on the leaves are very well made, kind of makes me surprised you hadn't done the 25 texture challenge.

as for the Branches exercise, there are some mistakes with the width and the visible tails not only here but across the submission, but seeing how it is not that common I will not make you redo the exercise.

For the plant construction before I start I need to point out that you Don't seem to follow the instructions correctly as it states that you should draw 8 plants and the first 4 are supposed to only be construction and with no texture what so ever.

I noticed that in some drawings you have either tried to correct your lines or tried to increase the line wight and I am not sure which is true in the case of the latter you will get better at it with time and practice, in the case of the former it is considered a mistake (I would give a link but I can't seem to find it) in this case it is harmless but it can be problematic so watch out. I only saw it in about 3 plants (most notably the king oyster mushroom drawing).

sometimes the small size of drawings come to your disadvantage , the mushroom above the king oyster and the succulent (I can't read it's name very well if this is not the right name it is in the page with the cauliflower and carrot and the page is dated February 17) the reason why I am pointing this out is because they are confusing to look at and hard to know if you did it correctly or not. I recommend that you watch this video from draw like a sir after you finish reading the critique.

at the same page I referred to earlier I noticed a plant that you constructed poorly, your lines were blockier than normal and they also tend to be very woobly and the biggest problem is that you didn't finish the plant drawing, I won't ask you to redo this drawing but please keep in mind that even if you had a bad start you should always finish the drawing.

In the page with the shadows you don't seem to be mindful of your light source for the eggplant as you didn't draw the shadow opposite to the light source implied by the shading on the right of the eggplant and you drew a very small shadow for the orange, there is also no sign of bouncing light. I would have provided examples of how these kinds of stuff are supposed to be handled but I personally didn't develop these skills yet. I won't ask you to redo this page since draw a box is a coarse about construction and not shading.

Overall I think that you did a great job with your submission and you can move right into lesson 4

Next Steps:

your next step is Lesson 4 , remember to take your time and do warm ups

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 4 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
edited at 11:51 AM, Feb 20th 2024
12:06 PM, Tuesday February 20th 2024

Thanks so much! You're so right, I really need to stop correcting my mistakes. It's something i keep falling back into. So you're right, that isn't a lineweight issue ahah, but me going over things again to correct them. The note on the importance of size is such a good one. I will make sure to watch this video.

The light I see too now. I wasn't supposed to do form shadows but cast shadows instead (if I got the term right) - on the orange and eggplant I tried to make a gradient from dense to sparse but it was waaayy too sudden.

I'll keep all of these things in mind. Thank you!

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Wescott Grid Ruler

Wescott Grid Ruler

Every now and then I'll get someone asking me about which ruler I use in my videos. It's this Wescott grid ruler that I picked up ages ago. While having a transparent grid is useful for figuring out spacing and perpendicularity, it ultimately not something that you can't achieve with any old ruler (or a piece of paper you've folded into a hard edge). Might require a little more attention, a little more focus, but you don't need a fancy tool for this.

But hey, if you want one, who am I to stop you?

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