Good job making it through lesson 1! I'll be reviewing your work today.

  1. Superimposed lines: Your superimposed lines are wobbly throughout. Remember, the key to this exercise is to be confident! When I was first getting started, I would sometimes ghost the line 10+ times to build that confidence, but confidence with your lines is crutial to making it through draw a box. This improved as you went on, but was still an issue as you progressed, so continue to keep this in mind as you practice!

  2. Your ghosted lines had less wobbliness, but they start to curve in the middle a little. They may be because you aren't focusing on using your shoulder correctly- if so, rewatch Uncomfortable's video on arm movement. It also may be because you just naturally think you're going straight while having a bend. My brain does this too, and I have to consciously try tro make the line bend the other way to make it straight. Eventually your brain will re-learn how to draw the line straight.

  3. In the rough perspective exercise, you start re-drawing over lines you didn't like in a few spots. I know it's hard, but you have to leave them alone, because redrawing over them draws the viewer's eyes to the mistake and makes it more obvious.

  4. In your rough perspective pages, you are only supposed to have vertical lines, horizontal lines, and lines to the vanishing point. You have lines going diagonally in other ways. In your warmups, try to stop doing this. The 250 box challenge should also help your eye improve catching this kind of thing.

  5. Your rotated boxes exercise did not quite make it. From that it seems like you really want a square/rectangle 'face' when drawing your boxes. This is holding you back when you're supposed to be rotating your boxes. I don't think you need to redo this exercise, but try to really lean into rotating, and moving your boxes when doing the 250 box challenge.

I know you're probably super eager to go on to the 250 box challenge, but please use the lesson 1 exercises as warmups and especially practice/improve on the superimposed lines exercise, ghosted lines exercise, and rough perspective exercise

Overall, you did a good job and with continued practice, your lines and confidence drawing lines will improve!