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11:41 AM, Monday March 29th 2021
Hello willdurness
I think that some of your lines are a bit bendy and wobblyish, in particular regarding the first page of superimposed lines and also a bit in the ghosted lines, however with practice you will get better.
the ellipses in planes exercise came out really well.
regarding the table of ellipses: some of your ellipses are bumpy , some not drawn through more than once and some are drawn beyond or between the various sections.
So try to draw through an ellipse at least 2 times and keep them in their bounds.
However others came out good so I think it's only a matter of practice.
As for the boxes part I can't critique much, it seems very well done to me, so good work on that, maybe someone else could tell you more but I think you did good!
Next Steps:
next is the 250 boxes. be sure to warm up with lines exercises and ellipses . good work and good luck!

Marco Bucci's Getting Started with Digital Painting
Marco Bucci's got a ton of great courses available on, including some of the best videos you can find on using colour and light. Since a lot of our students want to break into working with digital painting however, I thought this course in particular would be a great start to get into the weeds with how to navigate the confusing world of layers, brushes, and more.
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