Lesson 2: Contour Lines, Texture and Construction

9:52 PM, Tuesday May 4th 2021

Draw A Box Lesson 2 - Album on Imgur

Direct Link: https://i.imgur.com/vUWDjXF.jpg

Post with 12 views. Draw A Box Lesson 2

This was as rollercoaster of a lesson.

The texture analysis page was rough for me. Struggling to keep my place in a texture or minor incorrect lines got on my nerves and definitely made me want to stop. Glad I powered through it though as I managed to internalize that failing doesn't mean I had to stop.

I am still not too happy with my current ability to handle texture/shadow as my brain really hates holding any angle or curve for more than a fraction of a second, but I hope to grow with time.

Had a fun time with the form intersections (despite my first page's performance).

Anyways, thanks in advance for the review and feedback.

If you have any suggestions for which of these I should focus on more in the future as warm-up exercises please let me know :)

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11:42 PM, Wednesday May 5th 2021

I'll be the TA handling your Lesson 2 critique.

You're making progress towards understanding the concepts introduced in this lesson and hopefully this critique will help you in your future attempts.

  • Starting off in the arrows section your lines are looking smoothly and confidently drawn. There are spots where your arrows bulge/narrow suddenly, this is an issue because it gives the impression that your arrows are stretching which hurts their solidity. Remember that as our arrows move closer to the viewer we want them to widen consistently. This is a good exercise to experiment with line weight but when applying it we want to make sure we do subtly to key areas like overlaps to give clarity to our forms. Here are some things to look out for when applying line weight, and here are some reminders on how to apply it subtly. I'd like you to experiment more with foreshortening in your future attempts, by utilizing it in both the arrows themselves as well as the negative space between their curves we can create a stronger illusion of an object moving through 3D space as demonstrated here.

  • Moving into the organic forms with contours exercise your forms are getting just a bit too complex. We want to create our forms with both ends being the same size and to avoid any pinching, bloating, or stretching along the form's length as discussed here. You're keeping your line work confident here which is great, if you feel uncomfortable working with contours still don't stress with more mileage it'll become more natural. Speaking of contours I'd like you to try and shift the degree of your contours more. The degree of a contour line basically represents the orientation of that cross-section in space, relative to the viewer, and as we slide along the sausage form, the cross section is either going to open up (allowing us to see more of it) or turn away from the viewer (allowing us to see less), as shown here.

  • In the texture exercises (more so in the dissections) you're focusing largely on outlines and negative space rather than cast shadows created by forms along the texture itself. This makes it difficult to create gradients with implied information which we could then use to create focal points in more complex pieces, by doing so we can prevent our viewers from being visually overwhelmed with too much detail. For more on the importance of focusing on cast shadows read here. I'd also like to quickly direct you to this image which shows that when we're working with thin line like textures if we outline and fill the shadow we will create a much more dynamic texture than simply drawing lines.

  • If you feel like you don't fully grasp form intersections just yet don't worry, you're on the right track but right now this exercise is just meant to get students to start thinking about how their forms relate to one another in 3D space, and how to define those relationships on the page. We'll be going over them more in the upcoming lessons. Your forms are looking quite solid here and they believably appear to belong in the same cohesive 3D space, good work.

  • While wrapping up your submission with the organic intersections exercise you show that you need a bit more time becoming comfortable with thinking of how these forms interact in 3D space and how they'd wrap around one another. I recommend trying to stack your forms perpendicularly rather than trying to keep them headed in the same direction to help make wrapping them around one another a smoother task. Your forms here get a bit too complex which makes the overall task more difficult, I'd like you to try simplifying your forms a bit more in the future, addressing the previous organic form section criticisms will help as well.When drawing your shadows you don't push them far enough to cast, instead they mostly hug the form creating them, try pushing them further. It appears like your shadows aren't following a consistent light source, I recommend pushing your light source to the top left or right corner of the page to start with, it's easier than working with a light directly above your form pile.

Overall this was a solid submission, while you may have some things to work on I have no doubt you will improve with more mileage. I'll be marking your submission as complete and moving you on to the next lesson. You should be rotating between all of your previously completed exercises as warm ups by the way, this helps prevent holes from forming in your skill set.

Keep practicing previous exercises as warm ups and good luck in lesson 3!

Next Steps:

Keep practicing previous exercise as warm ups.

Move on to lesson 3.

This critique marks this lesson as complete.
7:42 PM, Sunday May 9th 2021

Thank you for the feedback.

I will definitely work on the contours. I think I was focusing too much during the exercise on making the lines fit in the forms more than considering the degree they would make if they were drawn as an ellipse.

I'll try to work in some texture work as well. I really did struggle with determining the difference between shadow and outline. Especially in things like the cracked mud where I'd see the very dark breaks between the forms and my brain couldn't see them as anything but shadows. Aren't these deep cracks shadows, or am I perceiving this incorrectly? This is the kind of thinking that had me going in circles during these texture exercises.

Organic intersections I'll try to work on more perpendicularly. I tried to think of the forms as long bean bags that would collapse around the curves that they rested on. Was it incorrect of my to draw all the forms first, and then focus on the shadows? Or should it have been tackled form -> shadow -> repeat?

Again, thank you for the thorough feedback. I will make sure to refer back to your critique when working these into my warmup and self-study :)

5:49 AM, Monday May 10th 2021

Cracks can be decieving because while yes they tend to have shadows within them, if you put a light directly above the crack the shadows will be blown out like any other shadow, people tend to focus on the outlines/negative space of them a bit too much. It's definitely something that takes mileage.

For organic shadows I personally try to work in layers when it comes to shadows, draw a layer of forms and draw their shadows then add another layer on top of that. This way you don't end up drawing shadows that end up restricting where you can draw forms but it helps keep your overall form pile in mind so you don't end up with forms clipping through each other.

Good luck.

The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something I've used myself. If you're interested, here is a full list.
Ellipse Master Template

Ellipse Master Template

This recommendation is really just for those of you who've reached lesson 6 and onwards.

I haven't found the actual brand you buy to matter much, so you may want to shop around. This one is a "master" template, which will give you a broad range of ellipse degrees and sizes (this one ranges between 0.25 inches and 1.5 inches), and is a good place to start. You may end up finding that this range limits the kinds of ellipses you draw, forcing you to work within those bounds, but it may still be worth it as full sets of ellipse guides can run you quite a bit more, simply due to the sizes and degrees that need to be covered.

No matter which brand of ellipse guide you decide to pick up, make sure they have little markings for the minor axes.

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