Hi, congratulations on finishing the 250 Box Challange. It seems you waited for a long time. I hope my review will help you.

First, your lines appear wobbly and not confident. In order to draw a confident line, drawing from the shoulder and ghosting the line before drawing it is very important. Also, you should draw fast so that it won't be wobbly. I would recommend you go back to the Ghosted Lines exercise in Lesson 1 and practice your lines. Incorporate the exercise into your warmups.

I see you are struggling with perspective. In the three-point perspective, there are three sets of vanishing points. Every parallel line should converge to a specific vanishing point. In each box, there are three sets of lines, each set containing four parallel lines.

In the boxes you draw, almost every set of parallel lines are diverging, which is wrong. You should pay attention to the vanishing points and plan your lines before drawing the actual lines of the boxes. One way to understand this might be to apply a deeper foreshortening. This way, your vanishing points would be closer, and you can see the divergence easier.

As it is explaind in the lesson this exercise is all about developing your understanding of 3D space and how forms can be manipulated within it. So you sould improve your understading of perspective and how boxes appear in 3-D space before starting to the Lesson 2.

You can check the lesson materials to really understand the rules of the three-point perspective and how you should approach to this challenge. Also, there are two videos made by Uncomfortable to explain how to draw boxes in three-point perspective.The first one is older than the second one, so there might be some differences but both are very helpfull. You should watch both of them and read the lesson materials presented on the website to improve your understanding.