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12:31 AM, Sunday July 24th 2022
Hi Colord44! I'll be reviewing your homework. Let's see:
Organic Forms with Contour Curves:
First of all, your line is really wobbly on these, a lot more than in the subsequent insect drawings. Always draw from your shoulder, ghosting your lines and drawing them with confidence, no matter if the accuracy suffers.
Your sausages don't have the right shape most of the time, remember that they're supposed to be two spheres joined by a tube, instead a lot of times they end up smaller on one side or the other. Take a look at this image to refresh your memory on that.
Be mindful about the degree change of the curves as well, they will represent how the form is turning and twisting in 3D space. Make sure that both ends of the curves are the same degree as well, this is a bit difficult, but with practice and a good amount of ghosting it gets better.
The size you're drawing on isn't helping either on these or the insect drawings, try to draw bigger, so you have the space to work on all the things you're supposed to work on.
Insect Drawings:
For starters, they have a much better line flow, which is great. As for the drawings themselves, they get better and better as they go along, still there are a couple of issues I'd like to point out:
A lot of times, you forgot to draw through the intersections on the legs, especially on the latter drawings, like the lobster and beetle.
It would've been great to see you add masses in different ways (since most of the added masses are things like shells, insted of actual masses), but you'll have plenty of opportunities later.
Be careful when adding contour lines and intersections, they have to follow the contour of the forms underneath. Sometimes you had lines that were a little too straight on the legs and they flattened the whole section. This diminished as you went through the drawings though. Still, be careful about it.
Finally, again, draw confidently from your shoulder. There are lines that are wobbly here, not as wobbly as your organic forms, but still. And apply lineweight only when necessary, sometimes your line got too heavy on sections that really didn't need it.
I actually think you're ready to move on. Although you had issues, especially on the organic forms, your insect drawings show that you understand the concept, and you'll have to work on these issues during your warmups and the next lessons.
So with that in mind, feel free to move on to Lesson 5.
Next Steps:
- Move on to Lesson 5. Keep working on the issues pointed out during your warm-ups.
3:13 PM, Sunday July 24th 2022
Thank you for the review. And after reading it and what I've been working on insect wise while waiting, even if I wasn't aware, can be curbed not just with practicing on what I have in mind, I believe some of these things will start to diminish the more I prttaice. This makes me happy and I can't wait to start lesson 5.
Proko's Figure Drawing Fundamentals
Stan Prokopenko's had been teaching figure drawing as far back as I can remember, even when I was just a regular student myself. It's safe to say that when it comes to figure drawing, his tutelage is among the best.