Good job!!! I feel you, I hated this challenge, but we got through it!

****Things you did well

Box varyation: you practcied a lot of different kinda of boxes and perspectives, which should help you learn a lot

Confident lines

Not much divergence. Your lines tend to converge together more and more as tine goes on.

****Things you could improve

Your highlighted lines when drawing through the boxes are wobbly? Is it your ruler? Not really a "problem" but its a little distracting

Drawing larger: This will help practice drawing from the shoulder as well as make it easier for me to see whats going on. At this size, you could be getting straight lines drawing from the elbow or wrist, which is not our goal.

Inner corner: Its normal for this to be the most off because it is affected by every little mistake made earlier. One way to help though is to draw the inner corner first before drawing your last corner. This may help you visualize the whole box at once.

Hinestly I saw anlit of improvement and I think you did a great job!