
-Starting with the superimposed lines exercise, your lines tend to fray at the ends which is acceptable as you are beginning, but you should aim to improve. Also it seems that your lines tend to wobble a little, keep in mind that at this point you want to prioritize confidence over accuracy, as it is better to work with a line that is confident but not accurate rather than working with a line that is accurate but wobbly.

-Moving on to the ghosted lines exercise your linework is coming along nicely, but I have one thing to call out, you have to mark your initial and final points, whenever you are going to make a mark on your paper you should aim towards something specific, you know that you want to draw a line but it is important that you plan it as much as you can, even these smaller details like where it is going to be. This exercise is about practicing the ghosting method, and this observation would apply to other more specific exercises, but I felt it was important to mention it.

-Moving on to the ghosted planes, I can see that you tend to overshoot or undershoot your lines, I have to pieces of advice for that:

  • You can try two methods to correct the overshooting lines, you can do as the ghosted lines section says, try to lift your pen at the exact moment you touch the endpoint, it is a little tricky to get it right because of reaction times and because you cannot stop the momentum of your whole arm instantly.

  • Instead you could try to lift your pen before it touches the endpoint, experiment with it, this is the method I use and I've found it works nicely for me.

Overall, your work is pretty solid in this section.


-Starting with the tables of ellipses exercise, I can see that you have kept in mind the alignment, spacing, degree and angles of the ellipses in mind, and most of your ellipses look even and smooth, so you nailed this exercise.

-Moving on to the ellipses in planes exercise, I can see that you have prioritized to keep the shape of the ellipses as smooth as possible, and you have also nailed the spacing in most of the planes, I have only a minor observation which is that it seems that you are drawing through your ellipses more than the times required, keep in mind that you only need to draw through them form 2-3 times. You only made this mistake on a few occasions but it is important to remember it in the future.

-Moving on to the funnels, I think you have nailed the alignment and the spacing between the ellipses, none of the, seem to bo spilling out of the funnel.


-Starting with the rough perspective exercise I can see that you have kept in mind the alignment of the sides of the boxes to the horizon line, but sometimes you miss it by some degrees. Also, I can see that you have some trouble drawing the smaller lines, they do not wobble but they do tend to arch slightly, so make sure you are drawing from your shoulder.

-Moving on to the rotated boxes, I think you failed to keep the gaps between the boxes consistent, some of them are narrow and some of them aren't, and there are some orphan boxes floating around there (specifically in the right side), which really should not be there.

-Finishing this critique, with the organic perspective, you have done a good job, keeping the rate of foreshortening shallow which helped you to achieve better results, and everything feels consistent and belonging to the same 3D space.