Hello, Haerezis:

Welcome to drawabox! Don't worry about ghosted planes, it's more important the quality of the images (even better if scanned though). Let's see how you can improve:


In the superimposed lines, some attempts have fraying on both ends. Keep in mind that even if drawing the same line is difficult, starting the attempt in the same is not. This exercise practice the motion needed to apply line weight and in those situations, you will need to start and end where you want. Try to at least, initiate the stroke at the starting point you marked.

You have improved a lot the smoothness of your lines through the lesson, good job on that! As an additional tip, try to treat the ghosting method and the final stroke as the same motion. It should feel as if someone pushes your hand down while you are ghosting. This may help you to achieve better lines.


I don't see too many marks on your planes. You should be placing marks for almost every line you put on the paper, that includes the lines crossing the ghosted planes. Don't be afraid to repeat a mark if the one you used was off too. Mark as much as you can so you can separate the planning phase from the execution phase.


You draw 2 times over your ellipses, that's good.

You only did one funnel exercise even that your ellipses have bumps and are far from smooth. I feel you have the need to rush and that's one of the habits you have to get rid of. Patience is key in a drawing. The better the drawing the greater amount of time you will need to invest in it.

Your ellipses are not smooth. You have to ghost more or find how you approach your ellipses. The previous tip for ghosting applies here too, treat the final stroke as part of the ghosting as if someone pushes your hand down. Another thing that worked for me was to find a sweet spot between speed and control, maybe doing them faster or slower makes them smoother. Try changing the orientation (clockwise or anti-clockwise).


You didn't extend completely your lines to check the perspective. That's the whole point of these exercises. In the rough perspective, you didn't even draw extended lines to see how you were doing. You should be reading carefully each exercise, you don't want to work for nothing or reach a critique that tells you to re-do an entire exercise just for not paying attention.

Some lines in your boxes feel smooth and others too wobbly. Try to treat every line as a critical part of the drawing and ghost it as needed. There is no reason to finish it quickly. Even more, if this is your first drawing course.

You didn't draw the corners of the rotated boxes exercise. Again, try to be patient. There will be a lot of instances through drawabox where you will have to draw things that are behind others. This is an example of it, the corner boxes are almost hidden behind the rest, but you are supposed to draw the anyways to train your brain to place things in space even if they are not visible. This will come in handy in future lessons when you have to build forms on top of other forms that are not visible.

Organic boxes were okay but It would be cool if you have tried to draw through them.


I think you got the fundamentals right but because you didn't complete the funnels exercise as it was explained in the lesson (multiple funnels not just a big one) and because you skipped some of the content of the lesson, I'm going to request a little revision so you have an extra practice on those areas.

Also, I feel that you are not prioritizing quality over precision. Remember that is more noticeable if a line is wobbly than if the line is tilted wrong or if it doesn't join 2 points perfectly.

  • 2 pages of the table of ellipses exercise. Try to apply the advice I have given to achieve smoother ellipses.

  • 1 page of the funnels exercise. Try to fit more funnels so I can see if you can align them while drawing smooth ellipses.

I hope my critique was useful to you. Feel free to ask me any doubt and respond to this post with your revision when you have it.