First of all, don't add pages. Do the recommended ammount of pages and move on. You'll be told on your critiques the stuff you're doing well and the mistakes you are doing, do doing more work now might make you get bad habits. Before each drawing session you should do 10-15 minutes of warmups, where you'll work on 2-3 exercises from all the ones you've completed and gotten reviewed, that's where you're gonna get the extra mileage over months, not in just a few more pages.

Lines are p good, though they get a bit wobbly at times.

If you take a look over the ghosted lines notes you'll see the levels of lines:

Level 1: Line is smooth and consistent without any visible wobbling, but doesn't quite pass through A or B, due to not following the right trajectory. It's a straight shot, but misses the mark a bit.

Level 2: Line is straight, smooth and consistent without any wobbling and maintains the correct trajectory. It does however either fall short or overshoot one or both points.

Level 3: Line is straight, smooth, consistent without any wobbling. It also starts right at one point and ends exactly at the other.

As you can see, wobbly lines aren't mentioned, which means that they would be worse than level 1.

Ellipses are p good, but make sure they don't overlap on the tables of ellipses, make them just touch.

On funnels, the minor axis has to cut the ellipses in 2 even halves. Don't be afraid to ignore the curves to achieve this, it's the main objective of the exercise.

On boxes, mainly good job too, but try to draw bigger and fill the pages.

There are some instances where you're repeating some lines. No matter how off a line is, don't repeat it, keep going as if it was correct.

On rotated boxes, don't rush the hatching do it in a zigzaging motion, do it with simple straight lines, planning them and ghosting them.

Don't forget to draw through your boxes on organic perspective. You should be able to see the boxes, even if they're covered by other boxes. You can add lineweight to clarify their relationship on the line overlaps after.

I recommend doing more overlaps as well. You can clarify after the overlaps by adding a confident, drawn with the shoulder superimposed line on the part of the silhouette of the boxes that overlap. Perspective on them has issues but you'll work on it on the box challenge, so don't worry about it!