Idea when stuck on form intersections in lesson 2.3 (first just try *plane intersections*, then boxes that are aligned)
5:24 PM, Wednesday December 14th 2022
So, first of all, I love this course. However, I drew a huge blank on the form intersections exercise, despite reading the instructions twice, watching the videos, and putting shapes on the page as directed. I literally didn't know where to put a single line. However, after some thought (and watching “Sketch with Peter Han ep5, minutes 10-22”), I came up with some pre-2.3 exercises that helped.
Plane intersections: One was to draw pairs of planes and have them intersect and adding cross hatching to indicate what was visible. It was a stretch, but doable. I felt a lot more understanding after doing this simpler case.
Aligned boxes: Try just intersecting one pair of boxes that align with each other. For a beginner, this actually takes a lot of thought as well.
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