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3:15 AM, Saturday December 23rd 2023

Superimposed lines: Looking pretty good, nothing to say here.

Ghosted lines: Try more confident strokes, your lines are minorly wobbly which'll improve with time.

Ellipses in planes: Again, try to be more confident with your strokes, some of the ellipses don't quite reach.

Tables of ellipses: Remember to draw ellipses two times around!

Funnels: Also remember to draw ellipses two times around.

Rough perspective: Looks good.

Organic perspective: Try to have a more gradual decrease in size of boxes, don't try to draw super small boxes.

Overall, pretty good, I think you could use some redo on some of the exercises, but you're doing pretty well so far. I think it's cool that you wrote down what you used on the funnels exercise! Good job, you'll definitely get better!

Next Steps:

Redo 1 table of ellipses, and 1 funnel.

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
7:37 PM, Saturday December 23rd 2023

Thank you for your feedback

12:30 AM, Sunday December 24th 2023

These look better, just make sure to do two complete rotations. good job!

Next Steps:

250 box

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
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