Welcome to drawabox, and congrats on completing Lesson 1! Let’s take a look at it.

Starting with your superimposed lines, these are looking alright. They’re mostly smooth, and lined up on the left, though rarely of a consistent trajectory. Remember that it’s more important for them to be smooth, and straight, than it is for them to stick to the guideline. The ghosted lines/planes are on the right track, though not quite there yet. My instinct is that you’re drawing a little too slowly, so one thing you’ll want to do is draw a few lines at various different speeds, in an effort to hone in on the one that’s best suited to you. Another thing, of course, is practice. By the way, the non-diagonal center lines of the planes need to go through their center points (meaning, the intersection of the diagonal center lines).

The table of ellipses exercise shows a good start, though a similar misunderstanding, too. The thing that matters most is not that your ellipses fit snuggly within their guidelines, but rather that they’re smooth, and rounded, even at the cost of that. Yours are bumpy, and pointy – both huge issues in their own right. The former indicates a lack of ghosting, or a lack of trust in said ghosting. The latter tells me that a lesser pivot is handling some of your sharper turns, so always check back to make sure that it is in fact the shoulder that is handling them. The ellipses in planes are a little too focused on accuracy sometimes, too, though they show some improvement as compared to the table of ellipses exercise. The funnels are similar – a good understanding of the concepts, and an attempt to follow up on the more mechanical parts, though not quite success. You’ll want to keep pushing in that direction, and to keep practicing, too.

The plotted perspective exercise looks alright. Some of the back lines are in the wrong place, but you’ve got a lot of lines there, so I don’t blame you for getting confused.

The rough perspective exercise shows great improvement throughout the set (though its last frame isn’t great – different day, I suppose?) That said, though the convergences are good, the linework is a little stiff, and thick. The former is likely due to how small your lines are; draw bigger! As for the latter, remember that each line is drawn once, and only once. Resist the urge to correct an incorrect line.

The rotated boxes exercise was obviously a struggle, but we expect it to be. You did lose it a little sooner than anticipated, but that’s perfectly fine. For now, all we’re checking is whether you have the patience to see it through to the end, even if it doesn’t go well – you do, so this is more than satisfactory. If you’re worried, however, know that as you progress through the box challenge, and learn about how one goes about constructing boxes, you’ll be able to make some more informed decisions here, and have this come out a little better.

The boxes in the organic perspective exercise are not great (I see some triangles, somehow…), but the same logic applies here; the most important thing is that you’ve attempted it. And even like this, you’ve been mindful of the size, and foreshortening of your shapes, so now it’s just a question of getting them themselves right. And that question is one that’ll be answered in the next step.