Lesson 2: Contour Lines, Texture and Construction

3:43 PM, Monday April 1st 2024

DAB 2 lesson - Album on Imgur

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Lesson 2 was hard, i took breaks in between the roughly month or so it took me to complete this and it was still hard, cant wait to see where i went arry or could do better in.

1 users agree
2:23 PM, Monday May 27th 2024
edited at 2:25 PM, May 27th 2024

First glance note : Your pages are bit out of order but I will do my best critiquing your submission


Major note : Please do not grind the exercise. You've done 4 pages instead of requested 2.

1. Mistake on lines: pass although some of the lines feel wobbly.

2.Arrows not compressing: pass

3.Lineweight related: a bit of non existent lineweight on the twists

Side note: The hatching seems a bit inconsistent

Organic Forms

1.Mistakes on lines: some of the hook contours exhibit lack of confidence

2.Not following the simple form they need to be; they should be 2 identical balls connected by a tube of consistent width: a few sausages exhibit the issue

3.Degrees of the ellipses/contours don't change, they stay static: pass

4.Not hooking contours: pass

5.Misaligned ellipses and not drawing the axis line: a few are missing the axis line.

6.Ellipses not touching the boundaries, or getting out of them: pass

Texture Analysis

1.Doing dotting or any kind of hatching to achieve transition: pass

2.Not doing a seamless transition on the gradients, if either the black bar on the left or the white bar on the right are really easy to spot because the transition isn't smooth enough: You've missed the point of the transition/gradient. Please revisit the instructions page for this exercise.

3.All marks on this exercise should be done purposefully, and by looking at the reference before, so scribbling or doing non planned marks is a mistake: pass


1.Not wrapping the textures around the form: pass

2.Not breaking the silhouette: pass

Side note : You're missing some texture work on the ellipses/cross section of the sausages.

Form Intersections

1.Repetition of lines, lines not being confident, not planing lines, not ghosting, clear divergences, not drawing through ellipses, etc.: Some of your boxes have very clear divergence issues.

2.The forms need to have consistent foreshortening: pass

Organic intersections

1.Not drawing simple forms. On this exercise the forms should be kept simple, just like in the previous organic forms exercises. 2 identical balls connected by a tube of consistent width: pass

2.Shadows sticking to the forms. The shadows have to follow the form of object they're being casted on, not the form of the object that casts it: pass

3.Not ghosting lines, not hooking the lines, adding linweight by tracing instead of drawing confident lines etc.: your sausages are missing some lineweight to indicate which sausage is on top of what sausage.

4.Not drawing through forms. You should always draw through forms, just like in the form intersections exercise: pass

5.Drawing non stable forms: pass

Please practice on your line work/confidence, you can use lesson 1 exercises as warmup since you've taken a long break.

Next Steps:

Redo a page of Texture analysis but with 2 different textures while keeping the first same as crumpled paper. Please do check thoroughly the instructions page for this exercise -> https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/textureanalysis

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
edited at 2:25 PM, May 27th 2024
6:17 PM, Sunday June 2nd 2024

Really sorry about my break, fell into a slump for a while and as well as irl stuff bogging me down, ill get to my corrections soon as i can.

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Pentel Pocket Brush Pen

Pentel Pocket Brush Pen

This is a remarkable little pen. I'm especially fond of this one for sketching and playing around with, and it's what I used for the notorious "Mr. Monkey Business" video from Lesson 0. It's incredibly difficult to draw with (especially at first) due to how much your stroke varies based on how much pressure you apply, and how you use it - but at the same time despite this frustration, it's also incredibly fun.

Moreover, due to the challenge of its use, it teaches you a lot about the nuances of one's stroke. These are the kinds of skills that one can carry over to standard felt tip pens, as well as to digital media. Really great for doodling and just enjoying yourself.

I would not recommend this for Drawabox - we use brush pens for filling in shadow shapes, and you do not need a pen this fancy for that. If you do purchase it, save it for drawing outside of the course.

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