Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes
10:36 AM, Monday January 1st 2024
For the Lines excersises I did it in Digital medium. Switched to Traditional medium from ellipses onwards.
Your linework looks good. The superimposed lines have a bit of fraying at one end. The ghosted lines are very good work. There seems to be a bit of arching. Using the shoulder could help there. The ghosted planes are well done. A little bit of arching here as well. You seem to overshoot a bit. You could try to repeat the steps of the ghosting methods more often and to experiment with the speed of the steps themselves. Very well done.
Your ellipses are drawn through and confidently executed. The ellipses in tables fit against the borders and show variation. The ellipses in planes are well done and most are evenly formed. Some seem to float a bit. Try to aim to fit them against the lines of the planes. Your funnels are well executed and drawn through. Some ellipses seem not to lign up with the marked line for the minor axis. You could integrate this exercise into your warmups. All in all good job.
You used a ruler for your plotted perspective and aligned the horizontal sides to the vanishing points correctly. The hatching is good work and the verticals are perpendicular to the horizon line. Your plotted perspective is good work. You extended the lines correctly and used one single vanishing point. Your lines seem to arch here as well a bit. You have drawn through your rotated boxes and the vanishing point for each box changes position. The gaps are tight and you have completed all the steps of the exercise and drawn every box. The boxes in your organic perspective look good. You used shallow foreshortening and the size is gradually changing. When adding lineweight use single confident marks. When you decide against adding lineweight don't go over them a second time. The lines themselve look good and you clearly used the ghosting method.
Good job and I mark the lesson as complete.
Next Steps:
You could integrate the funnels and ghosted planes into your warmup.
Practice the 50% rule.
Move on to 250 Box Challenge.
Thanks for the critique. Working on decreasing the arcing on longer strokes when using my shoulder. I'm using the funnels and ghosted planes regularly into my warm-up. Just waiting for agreements to move onto the 250 box challenge.
I agree with the previous critique you seem to be unfamiliar with using your shoulder which I suspect will not be an issue and you’ll get used to it quickly.
Please ensure in the 250 box challenge that your hatching is done free handed and make sure to take your time with it. Quickly people get overwhelmed with doing to much at once. Anyway I loved your 50% doodles you’ve got a ton of potential. Goodluck.
Next Steps:
250 box challenge
Some of you may remember James Gurney's breathtaking work in the Dinotopia series. This is easily my favourite book on the topic of colour and light, and comes highly recommended by any artist worth their salt. While it speaks from the perspective of a traditional painter, the information in this book is invaluable for work in any medium.
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