Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes

3:04 AM, Monday November 16th 2020

Draw A Box: Lesson 1 - Google Photos

Draw A Box: Lesson 1 - Google Photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/TVFHrPumy97eWX8j9

Thanks to anyone who takes the time to look at this.

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10:50 AM, Wednesday January 13th 2021


I'll start by saying your line quality is very good, its crisp and sharp but i see maybe you are rushing a lot of exercises it looks like it


  1. super imposed lines

you did good with little fraying

  1. ghosted lines

this one is also good

3.ghosted planes

you did well, the diagnols bisect each other.


  1. table of ellipses

well, you made some mistakes. the ellipses are out of the box and some dont touch the edge but its not that big, its ok

2.ellipses in planes

you drew the planes well but your ellipses are pretty much out of place.

  1. funnels

your funnels seems very very rushed.

the conclusion is that either you are not good at drawing ellipses or you rushed it. idk which one it is.


1.plotted perspective

you did good

2.rough perspective

you did pretty well but you're boxes are off shape but its ok

3.rotated boxes

you did good

4.organic perspective

here's where you got everything wrong. the boxes and meant to be above the lines, but you drew it everywhere other than the line. that's unnecessary. i think you did not understand the exercise well. Please rewatch the video and do it again.

Next Steps:

do organic perspective again

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
7:50 PM, Tuesday July 13th 2021

Thanks for the feedback! I took a bit of break to focus on some other things, but am starting to jump back into the program. I was in the middle of the box challenge, but I will revisit organic perspective before I continue.

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