Hello I’ll be taking a look at your lesson 1 homework submission.


-Starting with the superimposed lines exercise, you are doing a great job drawing smooth,confident lines. There is fraying at the ends but you have kept it to a minimum.

Make sure you keep pushing yourself to draw from your shoulder and ghost your lines as many times as you need to.

-Moving on to the ghosted lines, your lines tend to make a slight arch especially when

they reach the endpoint, keep in mind that at this early point you want to prioritize drawing confident lines that keep their trajectory accuracy will come with mileage.

-Your linework in the ghosted planes is coming along very nicely and is very accurate, so I don’t have much criticism to offer.


-Starting with the tables of ellipses, I can see that you have kept in mind the alignment, degree and spacing of these. Make sure you always strive to make round, elliptical shapes,

and avoid any ellipse with pointed ends.

-Your ellipses in planes are looking great, they are confidently drawn, and they fit in snugly within the space they are occupying, they do not look distorted, so good job here.

-The funnels are well done too. You have kept in mind the alignment and the spacing, take your time when ghosting the ellipses so you get comfortable with the motion and get rid of any hesitation.


-Starting with the rough perspective, I can see that you have nailed the alignment of the sides of the boxes, so everything comes together more solidly and believably. Take some time and try to visualize the box you are about to draw, so you can avoid any unexpected mistakes. I’m pleased to see that you have not tried to correct any mistakes by drawing more lines on top, as this would make the mistake more noticeable.

-Moving on to the rotated boxes, keep the gaps between boxes narrow and consistent, as shown here.

Try to take some time to study and analyze the example homework, use it as reference but always try to understand the concepts taught in the lesson.

-Finishing with the organic perspective avoid any set of lines that diverge from one another, due to perspective our lines will never be parallel or diverge, they always have to converge even if it is just slightly. Overall your work is looking pretty solid here.,