Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes
6:03 PM, Saturday November 27th 2021
Hello, dear people!
Soooo, this is my second attempt with Drawabox, I finished the first lesson in 2019, started the box challenge, draw 125 boxes and.... just quit. A new job started, didn't have the time blablabla... I burned out, I guess. I didn't draw even a stick figure in the last 2 years.
Then like 2 weeks ago in a deep meditation session I realized: I NEED to draw, I WANT to draw, I WANT to KNOW how to draw! So I bought a sketchbook for my silly colorful doodles and started from the top with this beautiful and grueling course named Drawabox and this time I took quite seriously the 50 percent rule. My huge mistake the first time was that I thought I HAVE to learn to draw BEFORE I can have fun with it, so I didn't do any silly stuff, or anything else really apart from the boxes. Now it's different! fingers crossed
Things I'm really happy for: 1) I finished the first lesson, yeaaaay! 2) I had a lot of fun, especially with the rotated boxes homework. 3) I realized my skills didn't reset totally, my lines were much straighter and had more confidence than when I started 2 years ago. Huh!
Thank you for taking your time reading this, and any comments, reviews are REALLY appreciated, mostly for motivation-purposes. :)