Hello there. Great job on finishing Lesson 4 and getting this far. Here's my little review of your work:

Starting with your organic forms, nothing to say really, pretty much immaculate. A few are off-kilter with the center line but that's very minor.

Your insect constructions are also very good. It's clear you understand all the elements of the assignment and your forms are solid, interactive with one another (forms that wrap around the initial masses and create a strong silhouette) and clearly belong in the same space (no contradictions in terms of perspective or collisions). I was going to mention that in your first subject (the scorpion) that you omitted the wrapping lines between two sausage forms but you eventually started adding them in the following ones. I have to mention that the line weight you're adding at the end looks often a bit hesitant and stiff and at times even chicken-scratchy (when they should be smooth and drawn with the shoulder).

One last thing (though it's really minor) is that at least 4 of your drawings should be purely constructional - no texture and detail, and that also means no shadows or additional line weight (AFAIK). In the next lesson I advise you leave some of your drawings detail-free as described in the homework section.

All in all I'd say you did brilliantly in this lesson - you're ready to move on.