Hi, congrats on making it through lesson 1 !


Even though your superimposed lines had a bit of a wobble (maybe you tried to correct the trajectory, maybe it was simply becuse it was your first time drawing with this method), you showed with the ghosted lines and the ghosted planes that you quickly learned the method to make straight lines, even if they are not all perfect, which is very good !


Your drawings show that you draw throuh your elipses, while trying in the table of ellipses and the ellipses in plane to keep them snuggled. They are aligned in the funnel exercise, which is very good !


Your plotted perspective looks good, your rough perspective too. Your rotated boxes follow the instructions well, so does your organic perspective. I would be aware that your organic perspective exercise has some dramatic forshortening, try to avoid making your boxes too dramatic for the 250 boxes challenge !